Desempenho ao fogo de pilares de aço e mistos aço e concreto para utilização em refinarias de petróleo


  • Thiago da Cruz Colonese Petrobras


Columns, Fire, Oil Refineries


This paper evaluates the thermo-mechanical performance under fire of different types of steel and composite columns for application in industrial structures of oil refineries. In the evaluation of composite columns were used in addition to conventional Portland cement concrete, the aluminous refractory concrete, as a material of high performance at elevated temperatures (compared to conventional concrete) and in order to estimate the benefit to use it. The numerical analysis performed using the computer program SAFIR, allowed to estimate the variation of the temperature field in the cross-sections studied, the thermo-mechanical behavior of the isolated elements during fire and the time of structural failure for a loading equal to 50% of the resistance at room temperature. The variation of the structural resistance of the columns, during fire, was calculated according to analytical procedures presented in NBR 14323:2013. The results indicated that the composite columns covered by refractory concrete presented better performance both during fire as residual resistance.

Author Biography

  • Thiago da Cruz Colonese, Petrobras

    Graduação (2007) em Engenharia Civil, ênfase em Estruturas, pela UFRJ. Mestrado (2011) em Engenharia Civil, área de Estruturas e Materiais, pela COPPE/UFRJ.


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How to Cite

Colonese, T. da C. (2017). Desempenho ao fogo de pilares de aço e mistos aço e concreto para utilização em refinarias de petróleo. Revista Técnica Da Universidade Petrobras , 1(5).