Modeling oscillatory behavior of ESP wells under two-phase flow conditions


  • Rinaldo Antonio de Melo Vieira Petrobras
  • Maurício Gargaglione Prado The University of Tulsa


Electrical Submersible Pump, Two-Phase Flow, Oscillatory Behavior, Transient Simulation


The effect of free gas on the Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) performance is well known. At a constant rotational speed and constant liquid flowrate, small amount of gas causes a mild head reduction when compared to the single phase liquid head. However, at higher gas rates, a drastic reduction in the head is observed. This critical condition, known as surging point, is a combination of liquid and gas flow rates that cause a maximum in the head performance curve. The first derivative of the head with respect to the liquid flow rate change sign as the liquid flow rate crosses the surging point. In several works on ESP two-phase flow performance, production conditions to the left of the surging region are described or reported as unstable operational conditions. This paper reviews basic concepts on stability of dynamical systems and shows through simulation that ESP oscillatory behavior may result from two-phase flow conditions. A specific drift flux computation code was developed to simulate the dynamic behavior of ESP wells producing without packer.

Biografia do Autor

  • Rinaldo Antonio de Melo Vieira, Petrobras

    Graduação (1999) em Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental. Mestrado (2004) em Engenharia Química pela UFBA. Doutorado (2011) em Engenharia de Petróleo pela The University of Tulsa.

  • Maurício Gargaglione Prado, The University of Tulsa

    Graduação (1982) em Engenharia Metalúrgica pelo IME. Mestrado (1989) em Engenharia de Petróleo pela UNICAMP. Doutorado (1995) em Engenharia de Petróleo pela The University of Tulsa.


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Como Citar

Vieira, R. A. de M., & Prado, M. G. (2016). Modeling oscillatory behavior of ESP wells under two-phase flow conditions. Revista Técnica Da Universidade Petrobras , 1(2), 61-77.