Avaliação comparativa baseada em risco para destinação de estruturas submarinas


  • Wendell Dias Pinto Petrobras
  • Giovanni Alessandro Fiorentini Petrobras


Decommissioning, Projects, Subsea Systems, Risk Analysis, Comparative Assessment, Fuzzy Logic


Risk-Based Comparative analysis are function to a series of factors that interact with each other. These factors’ relative importance and field of action are debatable, and their interaction creates complex panoramas, with nebulous borders, involving various fields of knowledge. The analysis of such panoramas relies upon multidisciplinary teams of experienced analysts, usually requiring several meetings and workshops. Fuzzy logic is an artificial intelligence methodology quite indicated in approaching cases whose parameters involved and/or their roles in a given response are not well defined, are vague or incomplete, as well as in cases in which the phenomena existing models are incipient or immature. In this work, scenarios for the destination of submarine structures to be decommissioned are submitted to Risk-Based Comparative Assessment. The context established above reinforces the choice of using Fuzzy Logic toapproach the problem, combining theoretical and subjective knowledge in order to find a solution. The intention of this work is to demonstrate, in a simplified way, the potential and adherence of Fuzzy Logic in approaching the referred Comparative Assessment, through the establishment of a simplified fuzzy model using hypothetical data.

Author Biographies

  • Wendell Dias Pinto, Petrobras

    Graduação (1999) em Engenharia Civil pela UENF. Mestrado (2002) em Ciências de Engenharia (Geotecnia) pela UENF. Especialização (2008) em Gerenciamento de Projetos pela FIA/USP - Petrobras. SUB/IPSUB/PROJSUB-III/PDES – Macaé, RJ

  • Giovanni Alessandro Fiorentini, Petrobras

    Graduação (2007) em Engenharia Elétrica pela Unicamp. Mestrado (2008) em Eletrônica, Microeletrônica e Optoeletrônica pela Uni- camp. Petrobras – SUB/IPSUB/PROJSUB-III/PDES – Macaé, RJ


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How to Cite

Pinto, W. D., & Fiorentini, G. A. (2018). Avaliação comparativa baseada em risco para destinação de estruturas submarinas. Revista Técnica Da Universidade Petrobras , 1(6), 18-27. https://rtup.petrobras.com.br/rtup/article/view/47