Projeto de exaustores eólicos ou solares para controle de temperatura na casa de máquinas da UTE-MCY


  • Vitor Mascarenhas Péres Petrobras
  • Sonaldo Vital de Oliveira Junior Petrobras


Temperature, Engine’s Room, Exhausters, Moto-generators, Cost-effective


One of the problems faced by thermic based power plants is concerning the intake air temperature: that influences the quantity of fuel injected needed to keep the mixture air/fuel constant and the quality of the resultant burning. The thermoelectric plant Muricy expanded its cooling capacity with the installation of evaporative cooling systems to assist them in the same tasks of the old systems of HT and LT. Concomitantly, the intercooler would serve this purpose, in a independent way and at different stages. Notwithstanding this increase of capacity, the ideal temperature conditions were not met for motor operation (air intake) as well as the environment temperature of the engine room, including non- compliance with NR-15 requirements. This study supports the use of exhausters that, together with the installed blowers, can supply this temperature deficiency of components of the generating units and their auxiliaries, and still bring benefits such as extra lighting, air quality reestablishment and continuous ventilation on the equipment of the powerhouse, bringing chain advantages to the whole production, to allow greater operating range with reliability.

Author Biographies

  • Vitor Mascarenhas Péres, Petrobras

    Técnico (2015) em Eletrotécnica pelo IFBA. Petrobras.

  • Sonaldo Vital de Oliveira Junior, Petrobras

    Graduação (2009) em Engenheira Elétrica pela UFCG. Petrobras.


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How to Cite

Péres, V. M., & Oliveira Junior, S. V. de. (2017). Projeto de exaustores eólicos ou solares para controle de temperatura na casa de máquinas da UTE-MCY. Revista Técnica Da Universidade Petrobras , 1(5).