Sedimentação da bacia Bauru

cenário tectônico, idade dos depósitos e ambientes paleodeposicionais


  • Mirian Costa Menegazzo de Melo Petrobras


Ichnology, Trace fossils, Retroarc foreland system, Cretaceous


The aim of this paper is to discuss the tectonic setting and the paleodepositional environments of the Bauru Basin, particularly with the implementation of an ichnological analysis to characterize the depositional environments and subenvironments. This basin in central-eastern South America has been classified as intracratonic, although the overall geometry of the basin-fill, the involved subsidence mechanisms and the age of its deposits are poorly understood. The stratigraphic range of its paleobiota is examined in detail, accompanied by age determinations of the lithostratigraphic units. Isopach maps were used to reconstruct the stratigraphic intervals of the basin fill. The stratigraphy of the Bauru Basin is compared with that of the adjacent basins, and the data are integrated with the available information on South American geodynamics. The results indicate that the Bauru Basin is a component of a retroarc foreland system developed during the early stages of the Andean evolution and that it was developed in the back-bulge province of this system. The sedimentary succession of the basin reflects nonmarine environment changes (eolian, lacustrine, fluvial and alluvialfans), which is supported by the fossiliferous assembly and the analyzed trace fossils.

Author Biography

  • Mirian Costa Menegazzo de Melo, Petrobras

    Graduação em Geologia pela UNESP (2006). Mestrado em Geologia Regional pela UNESP (2009). Doutorado em Geociências pela UNESP (2016), com período sanduíche na Univer- sity of Alberta.


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How to Cite

Melo, M. C. M. de. (2017). Sedimentação da bacia Bauru: cenário tectônico, idade dos depósitos e ambientes paleodeposicionais. Revista Técnica Da Universidade Petrobras , 1(4), 90-109.