Uma heurística fundamental - e normalmente esquecida - para o projeto de sistemas de controle

justificativa e exemplos industriais


  • Luís Gustavo Soares Longhi Petrobras


Control Structure, Process Control, Regulatory Control, Process Optimization, Reliability


In this paper we present a fundamental heuristic to design regulatory control structures. This heuristic is historically neglected in systems design with a control objective and multiple manipulated variables, as in the case of systems with multiple control objectives and a single manipulated variable, leading to several misconceptions in the control structure design and the consequent loss of plant performance. In the second part of this paper, we present various modifications carried out in REFAP refinery using this idea.

Author Biography

  • Luís Gustavo Soares Longhi, Petrobras

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How to Cite

Longhi, L. G. S. (2017). Uma heurística fundamental - e normalmente esquecida - para o projeto de sistemas de controle: justificativa e exemplos industriais. Revista Técnica Da Universidade Petrobras , 1(4), 36-75.