Sabemos realmente onde nossos poços estão?

a importância no acompanhamento da trajetória e na gestão de dados de perfuração


  • Rafael de Castro Oliveira Petrobras


Directional Drilling, Collision, Drilling Data base


During the well drilling are collected data about its trajectory through special equipment connected on the drillstring or pulled down by wireline. These data basically consist of Measurement depth, Inclination and Direction (azimuth) and, from them, the trajectory is defined. However, there many of inherent errors from data collect – either for equipment's inaccuracy and external interferences, or data management and errors on Database registers. On this article are related two examples of how not always the trajectory of well is just a continuous line with a well-defined spatial. In one of these cases, for error on Data Base, took place collision between two wells, which resulted in ten days of anomaly. The accuracy on the well trajectory is very important in the technical and legal aspects, and to a good future production. In case of the target don’t be reached with precision, the reservoir hydrocarbon won't be efficiently drained.

Author Biography

  • Rafael de Castro Oliveira, Petrobras

    Graduação (2003) em Engenharia Civil pela UFC (Universidade Federal do Ceará). Mestrado (2005) em Ciências e Engenharia de Petróleo na UNICAMP. Doutorando (2016) do curso de Ciências e Engenharia de Materiais (UFS).


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How to Cite

Oliveira, R. de C. (2016). Sabemos realmente onde nossos poços estão? a importância no acompanhamento da trajetória e na gestão de dados de perfuração. Revista Técnica Da Universidade Petrobras , 1(3), 31-40.