Abundância em petróleo

uma comparação internacional considerando o cenário para o Brasil como exportador líquido


  • Thiago Periard do Amaral Petrobras
  • Luciano Dias Losekann UFRJ


Oil dependence, Scenarios for Brazil, Oil and Economic development


In the mid-2000s large oil fields were discovered off the Brazilian coast, in a formation known as the pre-salt. The recoverable volumes in this province possibly will put Brazil among the world’s largest producers. This article seeks to understand whether this new situation of oil abundance will put the country in a position of dependence on the product. For this are shown several indicators of dependence on oil and in them you can see that despite the enormous growth in the Brazilian sector, with the country becoming a net exporter of the product, due to the size and diversity of the national economy, Brazil is not likely to be part of the group of countries so-called petro-states.

Author Biographies

  • Thiago Periard do Amaral, Petrobras

    Graduação em Ciências Econômicas pela UFJF (2004). Mestrado em Economia Industrial pela UFSC (2007). Doutorado em Economia pela UFF (2013).

  • Luciano Dias Losekann, UFRJ

    Graduação em Ciências Econômicas pela UFRJ (1996). Doutorado em Economia pela UFRJ (2003). UFRJ.


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How to Cite

Amaral, T. P. do, & Losekann, L. D. (2014). Abundância em petróleo: uma comparação internacional considerando o cenário para o Brasil como exportador líquido. Revista Técnica Da Universidade Petrobras , 1(1), 52-63. https://rtup.petrobras.com.br/rtup/article/view/2