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Author Guidelines


1 – The originals documents will be submitted for approval to recognized experts in the topics covered, the referees. Articles will be sent for evaluation without identifying authorship, in the shortest possible time, with an average turnaround time of up to eight weeks.

2 – To Petrobras authors:

2.1 - before submitting the article, the author must follow the guidelines of Standard PE-1PBR-00497 Aprovar divulgação externa de trabalhos técnicos e/ou científicos (Approve external dissemination of technical and/or scientific works);

2.2 - Articles must ONLY contain “Public” information. Articles with any other type of information classification will not be accepted.

3 – The themes of the articles must be developed with a view to their applicability in the company's areas of activity or reporting some experience in the areas.

4 – The originals must be unpublished and cannot be submitted simultaneously to other journals. Articles that have already been published in other journals will not be accepted. 

5 – Author(s): Individual(s) responsible for creating the intellectual or artistic content of a document. Not to be confused with collaborators.

5.1 – For articles with multiple authors, it is necessary to inform the order of presentation of the authors and declaration, at the time of submission.

6 - At the time of submission, all authors must be indicated and the inclusion of new authors will not be permitted after the article has been approved.

6.1 - An interval of at least 12 months will be respected for the publication of articles by the same author.

7 – Originals will be published in Portuguese, however articles in a foreign language may be published in each issue.

8 – The Journal reserves the right to make regulatory changes to the originals, whilst respecting the authors' style. The final proofs will be sent to the authors for a final review, and substantial changes to their content will not be permitted.

9 – Published articles remain the property of the authors. Submitting the article and agreeing to publish it does not imply the transfer of publication rights to RTUP. However, the author(s) assign the right of first publication to RTUP and if the article is submitted or published in another journal, reference must be made to the first publication in the journal.

10 - Opinions expressed and the information presented by the authors in the articles are their exclusive responsibility.

11 - Omitted cases will be decided by the Editorial Team.

12 – The magazine will classify collaborations according to the following sections:

12.1 - Articles: the section includes texts that contain complete reports of completed studies or research, opinion pieces, literature reviews and similar collaborations.

12.2 - Experience reports: comprises communications and descriptions of activities carried out by systems, services or information units.

12.3 - Interviews: comprises interviews with professionals of recognized competence who contribute their personal experience in some area related to the topics covered by RTUP.


The entire submission process will be carried out exclusively on the RTUP website, which adopts OJS as its editorial flow system, from receipt to publication of articles.

RTUP adopts double-blind peer review, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the author and the reviewer.

The article must contain the following data, without acronyms or abbreviations:

  • full name;
  • institutional affiliation (city, state and country);
  • e-mail;
  • Lattes and ORCID link;

Ccorresponding author must inform:

  • full address (zip code, neighborhood, city, state and country)..


They must be prepared in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.


Maximum length of the document sent will be as follows:

  • articles: 21,000 characters.
  • experience reports: 14,000 characters.


Top and left of 3 cm and right and bottom of 2.5 cm.


  • no recoil;
  • in blocks, separated by double spacing;
  • single spacing for text and references..


  • black: text;
  • other colours: illustrations only.


  • type: Petrobras Sans (preferably) or Trebuchet MS;
  • size:
  • 12 for text, numeric indications of sections and subsections and their titles;
  • 10 for para citation of more than 3 lines, titles and captions of illustrations and tables.


  • justified: body of work;
  • centralized: title, authorship, captions and sources of illustrations;
  • left: references, numerical indications of sections and subsections and their titles.  


Must follow NBR 6024.


The author is responsible for certifying the originality of the article's content.


The author must indicate, at the time of submission, which areas of knowledge are addressed by the article.


The writing must be impersonal, in the third person. 


Measurement units and symbols must follow the international standardization system.


Article title (required)

The title must be brief and sufficiently specific and descriptive. If necessary, use a subtitle separating it from the title by a colon (:). Avoid using symbols.

Authorship indication (required)

Full name(s) without abreviations. The order of presentation is chosen by the authors. Remembering that the first name will be considered the main author and the others co-authors. The maximum quatity allowed is 1 main author and 4 co-authors.

Abstract (required)

An informative summary must be prepared with a maximum of 250 words. Include the objective, method and result/conclusion. The summary must be written in a single paragraph, without text divisions, such as bullets, and without citations.

Keywords (required)

Words or expressions that summarize the idea of ​​the text. A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5, separated by dots.

Introduction (required)

The section must be titled “Introduction” and present the context of the article.

Objective (required)

The section must be titled “Objective”, present the general objective of the article and, if applicable, the specific ones. Remembering that for each objective indicated in this section, its achievement or not must be stated in the results/conclusion section.

Development (required)

It is not necessary for the section to be titled “Development” and to be unique. Sections and subsections can be named with their own title, based on their content.

Conclusion/Results (obrigatório)

The section must be titled “Conclusion” or “Results” and present the conclusion or results for each objective indicated in the “Objective” section in addition to an outcome of the article.

Explanatory note(s) (optional)

Notes in the article must have sequential numbering throughout the text, indicated immediately after the sentence to which they refer. Notes must be presented at the footer of the corresponding page. 

Abstract (English) (required)

Translation of the Summary into English. It is the responsibility of the author(s) of the article.

Keywords (English) (required)

Translation of the article's Keywords into English. It is the responsibility of the author(s) of the article.

References (required)

They must be in accordance with ABNT NBR 6023. The accuracy and adequacy of references to works that have been consulted and mentioned in the text are the responsibility of the author and reviewed by the Editorial Committee. All information, including personal communication, works in progress and unpublished works, must be included in the list of references.



COE, F. R. Welding steels without hydrogen cracking. United Kingdom: The Welding Institute, 1973.

Journal article

FARRAR, R. A.; TAYLOR, L. G.; HARRISON, E. M. Effect of stress relieving on fracture properties of submerged – arc welds of C-Mn steels. Metals Technology, v. 6, n. 1, p. 380 – 389, 1979.

Article presented at na event

FORMBY, C. L.; GRIFFITHS, J. R. The Role of Residual Stress in the Fracture of Steel. Weding Inst. In: RESIDUAL STRESSES IN WELDED CONSTRUCTION AND THEIR EFFECTS, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 1977, London. Annals […] London: The Welding Institute, paper 35, p. 374.

More than four authors

SIGNES, E. G. et al. Factors Affecting the Fatigue Strength of Welded High Strength Steel. British Welding J. v. 14 (3), 1967, p. 108 – 116.

Glossary (optional)

List organized in alphabetical order, with terms and words in the text of the article, that do not have a common knowledge meaning. Although not mandatory, a glossary is a great way to make your work more accessible to all types of readers. If the number of foreign words in the text is very large and/or recurring, its use is recommended.

Appendices (optional)

Document or text prepared by the author. Appendices can be used in the case of extensive lists, statistics and other supporting elements. 

Attachment(s) (optional)

Document or text that was not prepared by the author. Appendices can be used in the case of extensive lists, statistics and other supporting elements. 


Authors' mini CV (required)

Basic author information. See example in the article template.

Figures, illustrations and graphs (optional)

Figures and illustrations must be inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.

It is essential that they have the appropriate resolution for printing, at least 300 optical DPIs (dots per inch).

Clear photographs, graphics and illustrations in black and white or color (necessary for clarity of the text) will be accepted as long as they are properly referenced.

It is mandatory to indicate the title preceded by sequential numbering with arabic numerals, the source, year and, if applicable, the page from which they were taken. The titles must be located at the top and the font at the bottom, both centered, with font size 09. They must be located as close as possible to the section that references them. See example in the article template.

Do not use the expressions: “in the figure below”, “in the graph on the side”, etc. To refer to figures, illustrations or graphs in the text, always use their numbering: “as per Graph 5”, “as we can analyze in Illustration 1”, etc.

Tables (optional)

They must have the title located at the top, centered and preceded by sequential numbering with arabic numbers, separated from the title by a dash. Its source must be indicated at the bottom aligned to the left with font size 09. The tables follow the IBGE standards for table preparation.

The ‘Tabular presentation standard” can be found at (in portuguese):

As in the case of figures, tables and graphs, do not use the expressions: “in the table below”, “in the table on the side”, etc. To refer to tables in the text, always use their numbering: “according to Table 5”, “as we can analyze in Table 1”, etc.

Quotes (required)

They must follow ABNT NBR 10520 standards.       


Direct quotation with less than 3 lines

According to Gomes (2024), “just like in production on land, there are many activities and technical areas involved in production at sea”.

Direct quotation with more than 3 lines

According to Gomes (2024),

At first, oil production was concentrated in the onshore environment, where the first accumulations were found and where operations tend to be simpler. As new discoveries on land became less frequent, it became necessary to explore new frontiers, starting in areas close to the coast and advancing increasingly greater distances.

Indirect quotation

Both on land and at sea, oil and gas production has many activities and areas involved (GOMES, 2024).


Be aware of the rules (in portuguese):

Elaboração de referências (ABNT NBR 6023/2010);

Apresentação de citações em documentos (ABNT NBR 10.520/2002);

Norma para datar (ABNT NBR 5892/1989);

Numeração progressiva das seções de um documento (ABNT 6024/2003);

Resumos (ABNT NBR 6028/2003);

Norma de apresentação tabular do IBGE.

Submission rules may be changed at any time as decided by the Editorial Coordination. Last updated on 05/01/2024.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The article is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • Where available, URLs for references have been provided.
  • Text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); Figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • Text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the About the Journal page.


Standard Assignment Policy

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by its publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.