About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Encourage the formalization, registration and dissemination, both internally and externally, of knowledge and results arising from development actions, consultancies and other knowledge management practices carried out by the technical staff of Petrobras University and other company bodies.

Strengthen the image of Petrobras University as a center that generates knowledge and develops the skills necessary for Petrobras to achieve its strategic objectives, expanding and promoting debate on topics of interest to the company, the scientific community and Brazilian society.

Publish articles related to the company's areas of activity, always seeking alignment with its strategic objectives, preferably unpublished ones. The articles published by RTUP cover a wide area of ​​knowledge such as Engineering, Geology, Geophysics, Management, Health and Environment, Information, Digital Transformation, among others, all related to the area of ​​exploration and production of oil, gas and renewable energy.


RTUP began its trajectory of publications as a semi-annual journal, with an average of 6 articles per edition, from number 01 (2016), to number 07 (2019).

Between the end of 2019 to 2023, RTUP was suspended, returning in 2024. From that point, it adopted an annual regime. and adopting continuous publication with one issue per year.

Peer Review Process

The standard evaluation process adopted by RTUP is double-blind. In this modality, authors and reviewers don't know each other's identities.

Open Access Policy

With the aim of promoting the global democratization of technical scientific knowledge, RTUP offers free and immediate access to all its content.


RTUP has been organized and produced by Petrobras University since 2016. Its main objective is to transmit and record the results generated in development actions, consultancies and other knowledge management practices, carried out by the technical staff of Petrobras University and other company bodies, as well by external authors.

Ethical Guidelines

Our editorial policy is committed to ethical publication criteria and aims to identify plagiarism or fraud, bad practices and possible legal violations. We advise authors to follow the recommendations below before submitting their articles:

  • adopt ethical criteria when researching and writing the article;
  • explicitly and clearly reference all data acquired, analyzed or interpreted wich belong to other publications/authors, even those with a CC license;
  • explicitly and clearly reference all intellectual content from other authors, even those with a CC license;
  • indicate other authors who participated actively and substantially in any phase of writing and researching the article, as well as other researchers;
  • observe copyright law and ABNT standards corresponding to the topic throughout the article writing process.

For more information, visit the links below (in portuguese):

Interest conflicts

If there is a potential risk of interest conflict, whether in relation to the research and data presented or the publication of the article, the author must inform it at the time of submission.

Plagiarism Check Policy

Every submitted article, before being sent for evaluation, will be checked for plagiarism through a specific software. This procedure is adopted to identify plagiarism and self-plagiarism.

Plagiarism is the deliberate copying, in whole or in part, of another's intellectual work, without attributing due credit.

Self-plagiarism is the use, in whole or in part, of work of one's own authorship that has been previously published, without proper identification.

RTUP will only continue with the evaluation process after the necessary adjustments, i.e. after the author(s) adjust the content and correctly mention the original works used in the development of the text.